Monday, September 30, 2013

Doggie Quirks

All dogs have their funny quirks/habits.  I thought I would give you all a bit of insight into Muffy and Magnet’s funnier quirks.
Magnet cracks us up with a few goofy things she does.  Magnet loves dinner time, snack time, anytime that involves food!  She really “concentrates” when it is dinner time.  We put the food down, she goes write to her bowl and eats.  She wants to make sure she gets every last crumb, and licks the bottom of her bowl thoroughly.  Well she licks the bowl so long trying to get the last crumb, that her tongue gets dry, so she takes a sip of water then goes back to licking the bowl time and time again!  Now lest you think we are underfeeding her, her weight is perfect!  
 Muffy on the other hand eats slowly and deliberately, and she makes sure she has plenty of food left after Magnet is done.  Then she sits there, staring at Magnet eating one piece of food at a time.  Magnet is dying to get to the food, but  Muffy just gives her the evil eye, and Magnet doesn’t move.  Magnet is so afraid now to go near Muffy’s bowl that we have to pick it up before she passes it to go outside!  
 Magnet licks her lips every time I say the word snack, (see picture we posted on instagram). I get the best pictures of her waiting for that treat! Both dogs like to play lets hoard the antlerz bones.  They each have their favorite one, but they both try to get both of them and stash them.  Magnet hid them both bones very well one day and nobody could find them, until two in the morning that is, she got them from her hiding place and started gnawing at her favorite one in the bedroom.  I of course got up to see Muffy trying to move Magnet, who, while eating her bone was lying on top of the other one!  I had to get involved in that one, Muffy is a very patient girl, and she would have stayed their panting and head butting all night.  So I took Magnet’s bone, out of the room, she followed me to the hall way as did Muffy, and then I was able to get some sleep without the bone gnawing noises!
One other hand, Magnet's  quirk is displayed when she gets ready for bed.  I put pillows at the foot of the bed for her to lie on, but she charges into the room, head butts all of the pillows, then comes to my side of the bed and goes to sleep.  She can “pillow fight” with herself for minutes before she is satisfied that the pillows are disheveled enough.  I am fascinated every night by this!  Muffy has her bed time habits too.  She loves to sleep with her nose against the door, any door.  So when we open the door we have to do it slowly and say her name.  People that come into the house and see this for the first time thinks it’s pretty funny. I did too, except she started moving from room to room, so it’s a nightly ritual to look for Muffy, make sure we don’t hit her with a door!
I am sure all of your dogs have funny habits, I’d love to hear some of them , so write your own down for everyone to see!


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One Sassy Dog
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