Saturday, September 7, 2013

Magnet The Happy Mutt

Hi my name is Magnet. I am Muffy's little sister even though I am bigger than her. Muffy and I are two happy mutts who get to try and test a lot of the fun things that my dad has on his web site My favorites are snacks!

I am a rescue dog like Muffy.  She told you her story and I am going to tell you mine.  Well, this is how my dad tells it!

                         One night, I was watching Animal Cops Detroit on Animal Planet and saw an episode where a mother dog was locked in a house.  She had a litter of pups, and she was desperate trying to feed them and herself.  Thankfully, someone heard her cries, and the Detroit SPCA came out and rescued them all.  Right then and there I decided we were going back to North Shore Animal league to get another dog!  So off we went….
                                We decided we wanted to get a puppy this time, we figured Muffy would get along better with a puppy.  We went to the puppy section, and saw all the wonderful puppies barking, and trying to get people’s attention.  We saw a cute little puppy with a cute yapping bark, we asked to see her.  They brought her out to us, and she immediately took to us, and fell asleep in my arms.  We knew we wanted her, and right there I named her Magnet, because she stuck to us so closely! We left that night with a new member of the family.
                                When we got her home she was pretty shy, Muffy was happy to see her, they got along great.  Magnet and Muffy both went to bed around the same time, sleeping right next to each other.  We thought we got ourselves a nice calm dog, boy were we wrong!!  The next day Magnet was feeling her oats, and away she went.  Flying all over the house, pestering Muffy (who took it mostly in stride) and just being a happy puppy!  She was a handful, but the kids loved her and she was a real charmer.  She would lie in bed with the kids during the day, and keep us up most of the night! She was a pampered Princess for sure.
                                Training was a bit of a problem with Magnet, so we would put her in the kitchen with the newspaper, and block off the exit with a babygate.  We should have known that wasn’t going to hold Magnet back for long.  We would put her in the kitchen and go about our day, and lo and behold there she would be, prancing about the living room, barking and looking to play.  We thought the kids were taking her out of the kitchen to play, and we told them to stop, but they swore it wasn’t them.  This happened a few more times, kids denying they were helping Miss Magnet with her “jail” break.  So I put her back in the kitchen and hid behind a couch.  Sure enough she got out by CLIMBING over the baby gate!  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  She climbed over the gate, plopped on the other side and proudly started barking and looking for us!
                                We brought Magnet to the vet for her checkup and told him what kind of explorer and adventurer she was.  Magnet is great with people but boy did she shake and whine when we brought her to the vet! (She still does the groomer and vet are her least favorite places to go!!)  He said it figures, he thought she was a German Sheppard/Burmese Mountain dog mix, and that while Sheppard’s are very bright and inquisitive, they are the biggest babies in the world, fits Miss Magnet to a tee!
                                Magnet was born on Christmas day, as far as we can reckon, so that’s when we celebrate her birthday.  Her and Muffy both get spoiled, but more so for them on Christmas!  Magnet will be 10 years old this Christmas, and like Muffy loves to “hunt” squirrels in our backyard.  They never catch them, but they love running after them.  Magnet is our hunter though; she has caught a few possum.  She is so proud of herself!  She loves being around people, and loves to tease her sister Muffy. Muffy rules the roost though, she lets her know when enough is enough!


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One Sassy Dog
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