Sunday, March 2, 2014

Getting Ready for Spring!

Well it has been a long, cold rough winter!  I know I have cabin fever, and so do my dogs Muffy and Magnet!  We need some spring weather to get us going again.  Springtime reminds me of nice leisurely walks with the dog, and of course getting the garden going again.  Always lifts the spirits.  Getting ready to plant the early spring vegetables, lettuce, onions and radishes.  This spring there will be a new addition to our flower garden.  A beautiful hand crafted dog topiary.  We ordered a beautiful mossed German Shepherd, and it will be featured right in the middle of the garden.  The mossed topiaries are great for planting.  We will plant some beautiful flowers right in the moss, and watch them grow all year.  At the end of the year, just peel off the moss, and next year will just add more moss to the frame, and start again.  
Now walking the dogs in winter is not the easiest for me  Muffy or Magnet!  All kinds of snow and ice, just makes it more of a chore.  But with the warmer weather, I look forward to the exercise for all of us.  There are so many great new leashes/collars/harnesses on the market.  I have found that a harness is the best, easy to control the dog, and easier on the dog period!  Now some dogs a leash and collar are fine, easy to walk, that’s how it is with Muffy.  But Magnet has a lot more energy, and still likes to pull a bit.  With a harness she not choking herself when she gets a bit rambunctious! Just makes for a stress free walk for both of us.
Our dogs are great friends and companions!  What would we do without them?!  So I try my best to give them all the love attention, and yes spoil them a bit whenever I can.  Part of that is making sure you do the best for them.  That’s why I started One Sassy Dog.  I go through 1000’s of products to bring you the best, popular, and most innovative ones.  And most are Muffy and Magnet approved!


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