Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Keeping Our Dogs Warm

It’s a great time of year for dogs!  They all seem to love the snow, but it’s also a very dangerous time for our dogs too. With this recent “Polar Vortex” thing going on, I have read about dogs that are left outside without the proper protection, and they suffer terribly.  I remember an episode of Animal Cops Detroit where a dog owner left his Lab outside in horrifically cold weather and the dog almost died.  Warnings go out all the time about cold weather and dogs.

There are some things you can do.  Make sure to let your dog back in the house after a few minutes.  You can get your dog a sweater, like this Paul Frank Julius sweatshirt featuring Julius the Monkey.  Or a beautiful Apple Hoodie.  Your dogs will look super stylish, and you can take them out for a nice long winter walk!  Even bundled up though, make sure to get you and your dog back into a nice warm house!  

 I hope everyone is having a great winter!  I know Muffy and Magnet are, they bring enough snow back with them into the house, that’s for sure!


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