Friday, November 15, 2013

Dogs, Our Heroes!

You can hardly pick up the newspaper and not read about how a dog has saved someone’s life.  Whether it is from a house fire, from another animal attacking a family member, scaring off a prowler, etc.   Dogs have been saving humans from all kinds of trouble for millennia.   A few dogs have recently been highlighted in an article I found, and I would like to share them with you. 
First one is Sgt Stubby, a Boston Terrier that helped the 102nd Infantry in WW1.  He was smuggled into the war, and served nobly throughout.  Here is the article and picture of Sgt Stubby.
The second is a Bamse, a Saint Bernard, who served on the coastal patrol vessel Thorodd during WW2.  Bamse was an inspiration to all who sailed with him — during firefights, the brave dog would position himself on the boat’s front gun tower wearing a specially crafted metal helmet to protect him from bullets. His acts of valor are numerous, including saving a crew mate’s life by pushing a knife-wielding attacker into the sea. When he died in 1944, he was buried with full military honors.  Here is the full article and picture of Bamse.
And here is a wonderful link about dog mascots in the Civil War.  The 11th Pa Infantry regiments mascot was Sallie. Sallie is memorialized at the 11th Pennsylvania monument erected at Gettysburg!!
            What exceptional and special dogs they were, but aren’t all of our dogs heroes in one way or the other.  Some of our dogs are service dogs, helping us live better lives helping us cope.  Some of our dogs guard and protect our families, making us feel safe.  Some of our dogs are just good company, better in fact than other humans sometimes.  Some dogs make us laugh, make our families closer, make our home lives bearable. And all dogs love us unconditionally, which is the greatest gift of all. 
            So when you come home from work, the store, or just come back from a visit with friends, you will find your dog patiently waiting for you by the door.  Make sure to give your hero a big hug.  They deserve it!

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One Sassy Dog
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